Carina Conzelmann, the perfectionist

Carina Conzelmann

Every month we introduce a team member of Tiroler Goldschmied.

Carina Conzelmann is our newest entry in our studio, and she brings with her an inspiring likeability. Originally from the idyllic town of Idar-Oberstein in Germany, she is a passionate goldsmith and gem setter whose heart beats for the art of goldsmithing. Always on the lookout for new techniques and methods, she is tireless in trying everything out and developing what she has learned. “Perfection” could undoubtedly be considered her middle name, as she always strives for the highest quality in her work.

In addition to her professional passion, Carina is also extremely active in her free time. As a passionate euphonium musician, she finds relaxation and joy in the harmonious sounds of this wonderful instrument. But her love of nature is at least as strong. The majestic mountains of South Tyrol have found a special place in her heart. Whether skiing through glistening snowy landscapes or hiking through idyllic mountain trails, Carina finds incomparable peace and inspiration in the fresh mountain air and the impressive natural scenery. She has managed to find the perfect balance to her concentrated way of working in nature and is completely in her element. With her tireless work ethic, Carina is an asset to our studio and an inspiration to us all.

We asked Carina Conzelmann a few questions:

What is your trademark?
My serenity and attention to detail.

What do you particularly enjoy about your job?
Making new creative pieces of jewelry for happy customers every day.

Your favorite piece of jewelry is …
The LA PREZIOSA Pompei collection fascinates me, especially the intertwined white gold pendant with diamonds.

This pendant is a great technical challenge to set, yet it looks playful and light when worn.

What is your best or most unusual memory of your work at Tiroler Goldschmied?
As I am new to the team, every day is an enrichment and a pleasure for me to be able to work in such a nice team.

What hobbies do you have?
I am a passionate euphonium musician and love skiing and hiking.

Dear Carina, we look forward to many goldsmith discussions together and to your friendly personality. You are an enrichment!